The entire Art of Connection series


The international best-selling Art of Connection books series has become a global movement for Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, and Influencers. Since the first release in 2021, over 1000 authors have joined to create an ensemble of stories, affirmations, proverbs, insights, and daily doses for you! It is a must-read for heart-centered, like-minded business professionals who want to serve their clients and the world as well. Never has a series meant so much! Each page is a bit of insight into the world of the compassionate action-taker, sharing their insight, experience, and wisdom with you the reader to create impactful actions.

And, here, you can meet the authors who have contributed to this amazing series. You can search by name, city, or expertise to find authors you would be interested in learning about. For more information, click on the Information ("i") icon for the author of your choice.

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This is not the type of book that should sit on the shelf to collect dust. The perspectives range from the newbie to the seasoned, from the structured to the chaotic, and all parts in between. True entrepreneurs love to help each other succeed. It isn’t about competition, it is about the celebration of collaboration and co-creation. Entrepreneurs in this book believe there is abundance, not scarcity.

So here we are. Take a little time to meet the people and their stories in each volume of the Art of Connect. As with all of the books, be prepared to be touched by people like you, who have shared from their hearts, experience, and wisdom. Each book will likely cause you to pause for a few moments to reflect, think, and maybe even write a few words about your own personal journey.

If you are interested in being part of the next book in this award-winning series, The Art of Connection - 365 Days of Abundance Quotes, drop an email to Robert Jones at or Lori Osborne at

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